
+91 8977917718


@Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana.


Wehab is different because we offer personalized therapy, innovative technology, empathetic care, holistic healing, community support, and proven results. We’re not just a clinic; we’re a sanctuary of transformation.

No, a physician referral is not required at Wehab. 

ACL rehab typically lasts around 6 to 9 months.  

You can typically return to playing games around 6 to 9 months after ACL surgery, depending on your progress and your doctor’s recommendation.

Treatments for ACL injuries include exercises, wearing a brace, or having surgery to fix the knee. 

Yes, we have groups and programs to help women understand and cope with changes in their bodies and emotions during menopause or after having a baby. 

We make sure everyone involved in an older patient’s care talks to each other so that nothing gets missed or forgotten. 

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"Wehab: Elevate Your Game, Elevate Your Life – Premier Sports Rehab with Cutting-Edge Treatments!"

We manage our clients through personalized treatment plans, regular progress assessments, clear communication, and dedicated support.  

Choose us for ACL rehab led by Dr. K Sunil Mohan Raju for early intervention, personalized plans, and expertise in the four rehab phases. Benefit from weight-bearing exercises, proprioceptive training, and gradual return to sport with regular monitoring for optimal progress and mental well-being. Over 100 successful cases showcase our dedication to your recovery. 

We provide health insurance coverage for our patients, ensuring access to quality care without financial barriers.  


We offer comprehensive services including ACL rehab, sports rehab, elderly care, and women’s health. Our patients receive personalized treatment plans tailored to their needs, ensuring effective rehabilitation, optimal recovery, and overall well-being 

Yes, we have doctors and nurses who specialize in caring for older adults with conditions like memory problems or weak bones

Treatments for ACL injuries include exercises, wearing a brace, or having surgery to fix the knee.